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Dear Sir/Madam,

Journal of Geo-information Science (JGIS) is supervised by Chinese Academy of Sciences and co-sponsored by two institutes: Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Geographical Society of China. The current Editor-in-Chief is Academician XU Guanhua, and the Executive Editor-in-Chief is Professor LU Feng. JGIS publishes research articles, commentaries, and letters related to earth system information. The journal has featured columns for geo-information science theory and methodology, geospatial analysis applications, remote sensing technology and applications, etc. The special issues are also established based on major national programs and national development strategy.

Submit Your Paper

Journal of Geo-information Science, Volume 26, No.1, 2024, is a special issue themed “Opportunities and Challenges of Maps in the New Era”, which includes a total of 18 papers. The topics covered include new theories in cartography, new mapping objects, new data sources, new mapping techniques, new map visualization methods, new map analysis approaches, new map dissemination strategies, new map products, and new ways of map reading. The guest editors are as follows:

Professor DU Qingyun
Wuhan University
Associate Professor ZHANG An
Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Professor REN Fu
Wuhan University

JGIS welcomes global submissions across all areas of Geo-information Science. We look forward to reading your submissions to JGIS and are open to any advice or feedback you might have !

Why Publish with Us

  • Indexed by EI Compendex, SCOPUS, GEOBASE,JST, internationally
  • Indexed by CSCD, CSTPCD, CNKI, WJCI, etc., in China
  • Fast and rigorous peer review
  • Rapid publication upon acceptance
  • Widest global dissemination of your research

Enjoy the special issue articles:

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